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What is Domain Transfer

A domain transfer can refer to two separate and distinct domain name transactions. These are
1) a Registrant Domain Transfer and
2) a Registrar Domain Transfer.

1) A Registrant Domain Transfer takes place when the current Registrant of a domain name wishes to transfer all rights to a third party. Only the current Registrant or Administrative contact of a domain name can initiate the Registrant Transfer process.

As there has been some fraudulent activities in the past regarding registrant domain transfers the process usually requires some level of security, but this differs for different Registrar companies. Some Registrars require only a user name and password to conduct a Registrant domain transfer online. Other registrar companies require a notarized form (or other formal identification document depending on the county the registrant lives in) proving that the registrant is the actual owner. In all cases the domain name owner contacts their current Registrar company and requests that the domain name be transferred to the new third party.

When conducting a Registrant transfer the Registrar company must add at least one year to the remaining term of the domain name registration. For example, if www.sant.com had three months remaining on its domain name registration and they sold their domain name to a third party the new party would need to add at least a one year registration term to the remaining three months and end up with one year and three months until they needed to renew their domain name again.

2) A Registrar domain transfer is when the current Registrant of a domain name wishes to switch domain name Registrar companies. A Registrant may wish to switch companies because they are unsatisfied with the level of customer service they are receiving at their current domain Registrar company or for any other reason.

To conduct a Registrar transfer a Registrant or the domain names Administrative contact must initiate the request through the new Registrar company and then reply to the old Registrar companies e-mail which asks for verification of the Registrar transfer.

For example, you want to switch from Registrar “A” to Registrar “B.” You need to be the Registrant of record of the administrative contact for the domain name. First you visit Registrar B’s web site and complete their process telling them that you want to transfer your domain name to them. Next you will receive an e-mail from Registrar A asking you if you did in fact request a Registrar Transfer. You must follow the instructions on Registrar A’s e-mail or they will deny the request for security reasons (as stated there have been a lot of fraudulent domain name transfer requests). Next you will be contacted by your new Registrar B telling you the status of your Registrar transfer request. Once the Registrar transfer is complete you can log in to your new account at the new Registrars web site.

Domain name registration and hosting are our business and we want serve and inform internet uses as much as possible about the products we are providing. Please contact out support staff with any questions you might have regarding domain names.

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